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Achieving a good SEO positioning has become one of the clear objectives of any company brand. Who does not want to appear in the first positions of search results of the search engine par excellence Google? But for Google to love us, it is necessary to take into account a series of guidelines, and follow them to the letter, which of course we will provide later.

The Content Marketing ( Marketing content in Spanish) could be defined as a strategy that aims to achieve a good search engine positioning , in addition to creating quality content that add value to a particular audience. It is important to emphasize that Content Marketing helps Branding , in addition to promoting loyalty and attracting leads .

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Before entering the ‘wonderful’ world of web positioning and knowing how to carry out the ‘perfect’ post through a correct SEO structure, it is important to have a clear set of basic definitions that will help us clearly understand everything related to positioning. in search engines .



SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. The SEO focuses on achieving better search results in a manner completely free, albeit through a thorough work of our website , taking into account all factors that favor organic positioning . Therefore, SEO has become the ‘our father’ of all those who are dedicated to digital marketing . Taking into account the factors that influence it is undoubtedly the central axis of many of the strategies proposed to achieve the established objectives.

To understand the dynamics of SEO we are going to give a very simple example. A user when he wants to carry out a search in any search engine, for example in Google, will base his search on a keyword. In relation to the keyword used, a list will appear, ordered by the search engine itself in relation to SEO positioning .


Acronym for Search Engine Marketing . The SEM refers to all those payment actions carried out to improve our web positioning. To gain visibility in search engines, SEM is basically based on buying keywords from the search engine through a bidding system. In this way, our website will appear positioned by means of the ad ‘label’.


Below we detail the differences between SEO and SEM :

  • Time: the SEM is focused on short-term objectives since, being payment strategies, its results will always be faster. In contrast, SEO is focused on long-term objectives. Keep in mind that achieving a good SEO positioning is a slow process but if we are constant and patient, we will achieve very encouraging results.
  • Visibility: As we have detailed in the previous point, the SEM offers very fast results. Therefore, we will appear in the first search results practically overnight. In relation to SEO , it could be said that it is a daily job, of which knowing its results is practically impossible. Apparently in the first results of Google it is possible, but it is difficult to ensure the time it will take to reach this position and for how long.
  • Control of the strategy: in the case of the SEM it is much easier to control each step to be executed, in addition to having very fast results. The SEO on the other hand, is more difficult to ‘control’ because its success is due to several factors. Therefore, it is important to constantly monitor SEO positioning , to know at all times the evolution we are having.
  • Cost: the SEO to being an organic positioning does not require any initial investment if we decide to carry out an SEO strategy ourselves. Therefore, if we only refer to economic investment, its cost will be zero, but let’s not fool ourselves … Getting a good SEO positioning is something that will take us a fairly high investment in time. Therefore, sometimes it is better to have the help of a professional and hire SEO services , being necessary to ‘scratch your pocket’ and hire a digital marketing agency . In the case of SEM The investment cost will depend on the campaigns carried out in the search engine.
  • Keyword : Keywords are the basis of both strategies. In the case of SEM , the keywords will be totally unlimited. In SEO they will be subject to the content of our website .
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Frequently Asked Question: Many users wonder if every time we do a search on Google Maps , are the results provided SEM ads ? The a priori answer is no, but it is also possible to make SEM announcements to appear in the results!


    • Anchor text : text where a hyperlink is linked. This text should be as descriptive as possible. For example, right now if we want to provide you with information about our IV Study of social networks in Spain , “IV Study of social networks in Spain” would be the anchor text
    • CTR: Click Through Ratio in English. Indicates the percentage of clicks that a specific advertisement or link receives.
    • Inbound link: Also known as Blacklink . They are links to web pages that link to your website
    • Outgoing link: when we add links to third party pages on our website
    • Internal link: when throughout a post we are adding links from our own website to take the user to other articles related to the topic to expand information
    • KFI: indicator that measures the relationship between the level of searches and the volume of competition in title .
    • Link bluiding : refers to the action of getting inbound links to your website. In other words, get other sites to insert links from your web page
    • SERP: Search results page or Search Engine Result Page in English. They are the search results pages in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing …
    • On Page: term used in SEO to refer to the optimizations that we can make on our website to improve our organic positioning.
    • Off Page: term used in SEO to refer to those actions taken to achieve as many blacklinks as possible with the intention of improving our search engine rankings .
    • Title: meta tag (HTML tag) that provides information from a website to search engines


    There are two fundamental factors on which a search engine relies to position a web page : authority and relevance.

    There are two fundamental factors on which a search engine relies to position a web page : authority and relevance.

    • Authority: is the popularity of a web page , which is determined by the number of inbound links ( backlinks ) . What makes a site popular? Simple, the more times a user shares links from our website on their own website, the more points we will earn from each to Google.
    • Relevance: it is related to ‘matching’ the keyword used by the user to carry out a certain search with which we have selected to position our content. It is essential to think about how to perform a user searches on Google, in this way we can include those keywords that match those most used by users. If we answer the questions asked by users through Google, it is quite likely that among the results offered by the search engine … we will appear!



    All content must be focused on a certain keyword. Therefore, the first step will be to make a list of the most frequent keywords and search terms, which we must take advantage of to answer the questions posed by users through Google to answer them through our content.

    As you will suppose, the keywords must be oriented to our sector, but it is also important to classify them in relation to their search volume and their extension:

    • Short Tail Keywords: keyword with a short extension (two words maximum). Short Tail keywords generally correspond to generic searches with a high level of search, resulting in high competition. From our experience, we advise you to avoid this type of keywords , because the traffic they can provide is not of ‘quality’ due to the general nature of the word. For example, for us, The Social Media Family, online marketing agency , a clear example of Short Tail would be ‘marketing’, a word that has more than 2 billion results in addition to being an excessively general word …

    Middle Tail Keywords: searches performed with a minimum of two words and a maximum of four. The volume of searches is less than the Short Tail , therefore the competition will also be lower. Middle Tail keywordsrefer to the most accurate searches with a lower search level.

    Long Tail Keywords: if you weren’t imagining it already… this is the type of keyword that will surely interest you! Your search, being much more precise, will derive ‘quality’ traffic to our website , since the users who ‘land’ on it will really be interested in what we can offer you. In addition, being keywords with a lower number of searches, the competition will be less.


    Once we are clear about the Long Tail Keyword on which the content will focus, it is important that the keyword appears in various elements of our article. This will give us SEO points for Google!

    • Title: The title of our content, besides being as descriptive as possible, in addition to being concise, must contain the selected keyword.
    • URL: the url of our content must also contain the chosen keyword. For example, our post ” Branded Content Trends, the one that is here to stay ” has the keyword “branded content trends”, therefore the url of this article is:
    • Description meta: following the previous example from our post on branded content trends , as you can see in the following image, the keyword ‘branded content trends ”appears in the article description meta, which is a small text that describes how brief content.
    • Keyword Density: It is important that throughout our article our selected keyword appears repeatedly. But watch out! This does not mean that we constantly repeat the keyword like a ‘parrot’. For you to get an idea, the ideal would be to repeat for example “branded content trends” every 100 words.
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As we mentioned at the beginning of the post, it is important to structure the article using H1, H2, H3 … This will help you, in addition to structuring your content, to make it easier for your readers to read. Did you also know that if you use your keyword within the H titles Google will look at you with better eyes ?.

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It is important to note that Google ‘rewards’ posts with a higher number of words. Writing articles between 1,200 and 1,500 words would be the ideal to help our SEO positioning . Of course, long texts that do not add value are penalized. Therefore, it will be essential in addition to focusing on the number of words, the quality . Prioritizing quality over quantity is key! Regarding the writing, we advise you to be as natural as possible and to use the use of bold and italics throughout the text.


To endow a quality post, it is important to incorporate both internal and external links throughout the article. In this way, we will be providing readers with additional information that is likely to be of interest to them, as well as providing additional information regarding the topic we have written about.

On the other hand, if we optimize the links correctly, we will be facilitating the indexing of the page, which will help improve our web positioning .

  • External links: using external links in articles is a personal decision. From The Social Media Family, digital marketing agency , we recommend using external links as long as they give relevant information. For example, in the case of affirming statistics, it is important that you reveal to your readers the source where you have obtained the data that you are offering. This will greatly improve our SEO positioning .
  • Internal links: that readers stay on our website as long as possible is one of the objectives that we must set ourselves. Internal links will lead Internet users to navigate our site along the path that we are indicating. In this way, in addition to receiving more information, they will stay longer on our website .

Tip: internal links will help increase the reader’s residence time on our site, reducing the bounce rate.


All the images that you insert throughout the article, it is very important that they are optimized. For this, it is important, in addition to looking at the weight of the images, to use the alternative text (Alt-Text). This text is read by Google through a robot dedicated to crawling and indexing content. Through the Alt-Text we will be drawing the attention of Google, also facilitating the understanding and interpretation of the inserted images. If you are wondering what to put in the Alt-Text, a small description and the keyword should appear.

Tip: to reduce the weight of the images automatically we advise you to use this WordPress plugin Smush Image Compression and Optimization



Keyword planner

Google has Keyword Planner , a totally free tool that will help us in choosing our keyword , based on the volume of searches and results.

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The Ubersuggest tool will allow you to do a free keyword search. The operation is similar to the Google tool, after entering the desired keyword , a list will appear with words related to the inserted one with its volume of searches and results. If you want to know more tools click here .


Yoast SEO

If you use WordPress we highly recommend this plugin . Yoast SEO will help you in the arduous task of SEO, indicating at all times what you have to improve throughout the article. Yoast SEO is free, but it also has a Premium version with many features.

WP Rocket

One of the most powerful cache plugin . Thanks to WP Rocket you will significantly improve the speed of your site in addition to promoting SEO.


Google Search Console

Essential SEO tool. Google Search Console will tell us how our website is seen in the eyes of the search engine par excellence.


The SERanking tool Allows you to track how  our keywords are ranking , in addition to knowing information and advice regarding blacklinks and SEO optimization On page of our webiste .


Ideal tool to carry out your first SEO campaigns . Thanks to SEOProfiler you can carry out web positioning actions , SEO Off page, SEO On page …


Writing quality content and focused on SEO is a task that may be a bit ‘heavy’ for us at first, since there are many elements to consider. Don’t despair if you don’t get the expected results! Having patience is essential in SEO , in addition to being very consistent. You can also hire a professional to manage the SEO positioning of your website . If this is the case, do not hesitate to contact us! From  , SEO agency , in addition to advising you in relation to SEO , we will solve your doubts in relation to any issue of digital marketing.

About techadmin

Tech Websites Design is a team with a lot of experience and research on the digital world, how a website can be useful to the internet users, we studied, analyzed and presented here. We are entirely fascinated with the technology, and we are living our life's with the newly updated technology for 10 years. With all our knowledge, we established a platform to build a proper and trustful rapport with the internet world.

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