Best practices for e-commerce content

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Do you already use content marketing in your ecommerce? So how about learning what are the best practices of content for virtual stores and learning how to boost your strategy? Enter the post and find out!

Ready! The Content Marketing strategy for your ecommerce is already working and, at that stage, most of your work is finished, correct?


Now is the time to monitor and refine the strategy, based mainly on the behavior and interaction of your users with what you produce, and also on the reflection generated by the actions in your sales.

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For this, there are some steps or best practices for e-commerce content that can make the execution and refinement of your strategy, in practice, simpler and more effective. Learn about the techniques and actions that can help your online store and your marketing team in this task.

Create an editorial calendar

Organizing your posts and work routine with content is a great way to ensure the frequency and consistency of your strategy over time.

For this, it is essential that you organize your publishing routine through an editorial calendar app to improve your productivity.

With it, you can organize all the tasks related to the dissemination and promotion of your content: blog, shooting emails, preparing and promoting rich materials, posts on social networks , etc.

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Plus, you avoid creating duplicate content and have an overview of the path your production is taking, making sure no one forgets what needs to be done.

You can create a calendar from scratch, using online tools such as Google Calendar, spreadsheets and the like, or you can download models such as the Rock Content Calendar Kit .

Encourage customers to create content

This is a strategy widely used by some ecommerces, mainly for clothing and beauty products: stimulating customers to create content using the products consumed, such as images, videos and tutorials, or even through an evaluation space on the platform.

The experience of other buyers helps build the credibility of your e-commerce and makes people identify with the products.

This type of material, known as UGC – User Generated Content or ” User Generated Content ” – can be promoted on social networks, of course, after going through your quality standard: image resolution, accuracy of information, quality of messages and text, duration of videos, etc.

Remember that the idea here is to inform and show your “success cases” so that other people within the process of the customer journey are increasingly certified that they are making the right decision buying with your company.

Promote your content

Your content needs to be of quality and relevant to your users, obviously. But it is useless if nobody can see them. In order for this not to happen, you must align this to other marketing strategies.

That is why, in addition to SEO strategies , you can promote your content also through paid media, such as Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, Native and related Ads .

In this way, you guarantee the expansion of your disclosure, increasing the chances that new users will get to know your ecommerce and further expanding the results of your Content Marketing strategy.

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Invest in customization

A differential of Content Marketing, which customers love, is its ability to personalize. Although this is a predominantly digital strategy, this does not mean that your audience wants to converse with a machine, mechanically and impersonally.

On the contrary: people like to feel special and know that what is produced is specially thought for them.

You can invest in your customization in different ways:

  • Sending emails from a personal account and not from a “contact @ …”;
  • Using the contact name in the mail;
  • Creating content that shows your daily life or your team talking about a product, such as videos and images;
  • Segmenting your database so that each contact receives content related to their area of ​​interest.

In addition, you can build a personalized voice to communicate with your person, which is in accordance with its context and reality. Thus, the choice of tone, language, and degree of formality of your content will be dictated by the type of person you communicate with.

If your ecommerce has more than one person, the idea is to personalize for each one of them your “way of speaking”, without ever forgetting the identity of your company, which will be engraved on everything you want, to strengthen your business.

Automate actions that will make a difference for your consumers

With the help of automation tools , you can create incentives that trigger email trigger actions.

For example: birthday of your contacts – excellent opportunity to offer a special promotion – automatic welcome messages, purchase status, status of receipt of a merchandise, and more.

In this way you will be, through automated content, generating value for your clients and potential consumers in a practical and simple way. It is a small action for your online store, but it generates a significant impact and a very positive impression on your contacts.

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Images: don’t forget the visual components

People are generally more attracted to content that has striking and associated images, and that helps them understand what is being offered or promoted.

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Therefore, think of images as a very important part of your content, from blog posts and emails to the ones you use in your online store to describe products.

In addition to quality, they must help the user to understand what is being promoted, facilitating their interaction with the message you want to pass on.

Have a plan to optimize the visibility of your products

In addition to SEO strategies for your blog content, you can use this strategy to improve the positioning of your ecommerce and your products in search engines, such as Google.

Thus, you increase your chances of ranking well for important keywords, with search mechanisms understanding that your e-commerce sells certain products.

Remember: content is only part of the experience

As best as your content strategy may be, if your user has a bad experience with your ecommerce, they may not become a customer.

Therefore, you should evaluate all the user’s contact points with your brand so that he is not disappointed at the moment of transition from lead to customer.

Evaluate if your ecommerce is functional, your payment options, your delivery facilities, if it is responsive – that is, adaptable for mobiles – and even the quality of your products.

It guarantees that the customer is always well attended and that all the interactions they carry out with your brand happen in the best possible way, so that your strategy is not wasted at the most important moment for ecommerce: the purchase.


About techadmin

Tech Websites Design is a team with a lot of experience and research on the digital world, how a website can be useful to the internet users, we studied, analyzed and presented here. We are entirely fascinated with the technology, and we are living our life's with the newly updated technology for 10 years. With all our knowledge, we established a platform to build a proper and trustful rapport with the internet world.

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