Give your business a boost with Google Ads

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Google Adwords is one of the most important tools for companies that want to have an excellent presence on the web. Currently, it is one of the resources that most generates positive results and successful campaigns in content marketing.

Today we concentrate and delve into the world of the Google giant  , specifically in its  advertising : we will explain what  Google Ads is  and how to use it, after which we will demonstrate some advantages and disadvantages of use.

If we know what it is, we will know how to use it

The purpose of google Ads is to promote your own company, of course, as long as you have one, if not, it can serve to give your companies’ companies a little push in the most important and largest search engine in the world.

Google Ads is one of the most efficient ways to make a business visible from the same Google platform.

To explain it to you in a clearer way, if you stop in the search engine and type  “Rock Content”  you will notice that our website occupies the first place in the options and immediately afterwards our YouTube channel and our social networks appear.

Example search box

That’s what this is about, that through Google Ads you can improve the ranking or position of your brand or the brand to promote.

Now that you know what it is, you must be wondering how it works. If you are already stuck with this article don’t miss what follows because it gets better and better. So, we will go slowly so that you do not lose the thread and understand each part of this great tool.

You should also know why some searches are more relevant than others, it all depends on the type of guideline you choose, but … What would happen if a Rock band plays without spectators? Well there is no magic, the same thing happens with a guideline without strategy.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is one of the most important tools for companies that want to have an excellent presence on the web. Currently, it is one of the resources that most generates positive results and successful campaigns in  content marketing . It’s common for people to have heard this name before, but not many people know what this resource is about.

Doubts about Google Ads range from functionality to the correct way to use it in order to generate results. This causes many people to use the resource in the wrong way, as a consequence, the results obtained are not the best.

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Why should I advertise on Google Ads

The main advantage of Google Ads is the fast and practically safe return on investment. This happens because the sponsored links of the platform appear according to the  keywords  resulting from the search of the users and selected by the advertisers. In this way, the ads at the top and side of the Google results page appear according to what is entered by the user in the search space.

This means that the ads are shown to the user at the exact moment they are searching for the keyword, which means that the probability of conversion is much higher.

In general, it is said that the conversion depends on the field of action of the client and the type of campaign he carries out. When the campaign is targeted, it is much cheaper to carry out. In this sense, no traditional medium is capable of offering such good results.

Another way to advertise on Google Ads is through the display network. These are sites and blogs affiliated with the Google platform that can display ads on their pages. They are sites like Gmail, YouTube and other partners. The advantage of the display network is that it makes it possible to segment the advertisement to appear on blogs related to the advertiser sector.

Investing in Google Ads is fast. The analyst creates a strategy and plans a campaign, even the interested party can carry out this challenge in case they have training or know details about the matter. After building a campaign fit for purpose and considering the needs of who needs Ads, it’s time to produce the ads. Typically these are quickly approved by Google and start appearing shortly thereafter. As a consequence, the traffic of the company site or blog increases.

The budget is also an advantage. There is no minimum value to be paid in any campaign and the company decides how much it is interested in investing. One of the most common forms of investment is Cost Per Click, CPC, when the company only pays when the user clicks on the link in the ad.

It is also possible to segment the ad, to appear only in the searches chosen by the advertiser according to the geographical region, keyword, channel, mobile device, remarketing, interest. Google Ads is the cheapest way to increase site traffic and internet sales, with total cost control, measurable return, agility, segmentation and immediate reach.

How Google Ads works

For each term or keyword searched in Google, a set of organic or free results and paid ads, also called sponsored links, is offered to the user who searched. The latter are shown in the first three positions of Google results. Thus, they occupy a prominent position and also in the right column.

Every search made by the Google user verifies all the advertisers considered as eligible. The advertiser only pays each time one of their ads is chosen by the user and the user clicks, otherwise, and as specified above, the advertiser will not pay for the fact of appearing and not catching clicks.

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But in the end, who are the eligible advertisers? These natural or legal persons are registered with Google Ads, Google’s sponsored links platform. In this way, Google conducts an instant auction and determines the position of each ad based on the maximum price offered per click by each advertiser. In addition, it offers a quality history of the advertiser as a quality index by keyword.

It is important to know that it is not just about paying more for the click, this is not enough for your ad to appear in a good position. You need to work with the quality of the ad in mind.

How does this resource determine the positioning of the brand in search engines?

To understand how to improve the positioning of your ad in Ads, it is necessary to pay attention to the ranking mechanism used by Google. Every time a search is performed on Google, it searches the list of advertisers in Ads for those whose ads are most relevant to the keyword used. Once the advertisers who will participate in the auction of the typed keyword have been selected, Google will classify the ads considering two macro factors.

  • Maximum price that each advertiser is willing to pay per click for that keyword.
  • Keyword quality index of each advertiser.

It’s not enough just to offer more money per click to appear first in the results and in front of other advertisers. The quality index was the mechanism that Google found to algorithmically determine   the importance of the ads, so that the Google user is served by ads that are clicked more frequently. Thus, it is possible to consider a formula:

AD POSITION = maximum price per click x quality index that triggered the ad.

Taking into account everything seen so far, it is easy to understand why the Google user is more likely to find what they are looking for both in natural results and sponsored links. And most impressive, this whole process happens in a split second.

Do you want to know more details about the quality index?

Access your account in the Ads, select “keyword”, then click on “columns and then on“ customize ”. When you get to “attributes,” add the Quality Index icon.

Also get to know the complete Google Ads guide: Download it for free and start creating great campaigns!

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Strategy for brands in Google Ads

Dancing without music does not make much sense, just like making a guideline in Google Ads without being clear about the strategy and the objectives to be achieved. Define your strategy and then define your campaign budget and how you want your audience to see you on the internet.

Aim this tip! Accessing a Google guideline requires daily attention, so view, review and verify that your guideline is going the right way every day, until it ends.

In addition to this, you can create different strategies focused on different actions so that your website increases the number of daily and unique visits of each new user, including a strategy focused on reaching new captive audiences, who may be interested in your products or services. But, to achieve more effective results, you must segment your strategy very well, that is, define very well what audience you will speak to since a good segmentation will give better results at the end of the campaign.

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As we have counted on previous occasions, for some Google tools it is of utmost importance to choose some keywords  that define your intention in the strategy.

Put yourself in the shoes of the users and think how they would look for you. This helps you understand how they think, in this way you can choose the appropriate keywords so that you can appear within the first result options in the search for your audience.

Keywords should also convey the DNA of your business. Let’s take an example: Let’s say that your brand is in charge of selling sportswear through  e-commerce , so this would be a recommendation to make effective use of your campaign keywords. .

  • Virtual sports store.
  • Original soccer jerseys.
  • Shipping all over the country.
  • Sportswear at a click.

Formats to reach the public

There are many ways to impact your potential customers through the Google Ads tool. Among them there are various formats, know some below.

Video ads on YouTube.

Ads based on text only.

Graphic display based ads

Ads in mobile applications.

Advantages of using Google Ads


As we told you above, this is one of the most important parts of your campaign and Google allows you to create a focus just on what your company needs, since its ads are molded to the fundamental interests and main characteristics of each user. It also allows you to segment by demographic location and segment by navigation devices.


The ideal is to achieve the first positions in the search engine in a natural and organic way, but this can take a long time and requires high effort, so the tool allows you to combine your  strategy with some  positioning guideline to achieve more reach.


The tool only charges per click made on the ad, that is, you will not have extra charges for views. The fact of not having a minimum level of investment, allows you to adjust your campaign to your budget. In this way, it only generates a general budget for your entire campaign.

Disadvantages of using Google Ads


It does not guarantee it, since the payment on schedule is not everything. This must be accompanied by a good advertising idea, with clear focuses and applicable tactics that lead to the conversion of the site.


It is difficult to get to the top of the search ranking, it is not enough that your site meets all the requirements (quality, correct ads and good offer) the question now has to do with the investment you must make to achieve it.


The characters are one of the main limitations that the tool has, since in only 70 of these they will have to make the descriptions of your site. It is extremely important a well-written text that can tell everything in a few words.


It is high and they continue to increase, and the one with the most arguments for Google will gain position, since it auctions the keywords. That is, if the competition has more investment money and meets what is necessary to achieve positioning, it will be above your brand.

Now you know everything about Google Ads and you are ready to put your first guideline strategy into action in Google.

About techadmin

Tech Websites Design is a team with a lot of experience and research on the digital world, how a website can be useful to the internet users, we studied, analyzed and presented here. We are entirely fascinated with the technology, and we are living our life's with the newly updated technology for 10 years. With all our knowledge, we established a platform to build a proper and trustful rapport with the internet world.

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