Thank You Page: how to make the most of this page

Thank You Page how to make the most of this page
Thank You Page how to make the most of this page
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Creating good Thank you pages is crucial for your conversions and for the relationship with the user. Understand how to use them and why create them.

Many Marketing teams   that already work with automation, risky content launches and, of course,  Landing Pages , know and use the  Thank You Pages  at the conclusion of a user’s actions.

However, what often goes unnoticed is that these pages are an excellent opportunity to give continuity to user interactions with your blog or website, increasing their conversion and retention potential.

For this reason, we are going to gather in this publication all the information to optimize your pages and achieve better results without having to change your publication calendar, simply by improving the use of the resources you already have.

What is a  Thank You Page ?

Thank You Pages  or ” Thank You Pages ” are pages that your visitor is directed to after completing an action on your website or blog, to show them that they have succeeded and thank you for the interaction.

Perceive that in the  Thank You Page of our blog in Rock Content , at the top of the page, in addition to containing other menus, the first message is “Thank you” for the action completed, in this case, for downloading specific material .

Then, the following message makes it clear to the user what the consequence of their action will be, which, in this case, was sending the material to their e-mail. In other cases, some companies already offer the link of the material so that the visitor has access.

What exists, beyond that, is the opportunity for your company to create. The example above already gave you an idea.

Why is this page so important?

Basically, as you should have already noticed, the main function of this page is  to clearly inform the user that the action taken has already been completed. 

That way you will have no doubts about the next steps to access the material or the tool.

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Thus, this page concludes the conversion process for your visitor who has just subscribed or become a  lead.

However, a Thank You Page can have several functions! After all, you’ve already conquered 100% of the user’s action, who is committed and interested in what your company can offer, at least thinking about content.

That is why, in addition to informing,  Thank You Pages  can be a great opportunity to  continue interacting with your visitor , so that a  new conversion  or a   new experience with your content takes place.

How to create   strategic Thank You Pages

The first thing to keep in mind when thinking about creating an opportunity for your  landing pages  is to remember the previous step, that is, the interaction that the user has already had with you.

For that you must answer some questions:

  • What was the material you downloaded?
  • Was this material segmented for any specific area?
  • What would be your next step, thinking about the sales funnel and the phase you are in?

All these questions will help you find an incredible opportunity to continue engaging your visitor and new  lead,  increasing the ROI of a single offer and informing you more about the interests of this user.

What are my chances?

Once these questions are answered, you will see that you have several options to generate opportunities on a  Thank You Page .

Button for Blog

The first, and generally most used, is to place a  user return button to your blog.

Thus, regardless of whether that conversion started from an email marketing or from the blog itself, you encourage to know or return and have contact with other content relevant to it, which will help you educate yourself and be ready for the moment of acquiring one of your products.

This is a good opportunity for content that is part of the top of the funnel or when you want to increase the number of visits to your blog.

A new offer

In addition to that, you can offer, on your  Thank You Page ,  some other content that complements the experience that the user will have with the content that they have already downloaded.

For example, the offer that led to this Thank You Page was an  ebook  on Professional Relocation. Therefore, it is a logical process – since one of the options to change professional status is to  become a freelance  – offering content that gives an address for the  lead .

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In addition to that, thinking of one of the objectives of the blog, which is to attract freelancers for the community of Copywriters Rock Content in Spanish, this new material is a possible next step for the visitor to walk through the  sales funnel  and approach the final blog conversion.

Give more than one option

In the event that your strategy is already consolidated and you have various content options, or that the offer before the Acknowledgments Page is an offer that is more identified with the top of the funnel, where you still do not know exactly the user’s need You can offer more than one possibility for your  newly converted lead  .

Check out this example from a RD Station Blog offer:

By downloading the content on Content  Marketing for Results , they offered 4 other contents related to the topic, so that the user has possibilities according to their level of maturity.

Thus, in  addition to adding value, you will have more opportunities to better understand the need for your new  lead,  gathering more information about it and learning more about the problem that your company can help solve.

Oh, and it’s important to emphasize that these offerings don’t necessarily need to be other rich materials. Look at the example of the blog about entrepreneurship in Portuguese  Saia do Lugar .

At the conclusion of the download of the Digital Marketing for Entrepreneurs material, the  Thank You Page  opened two possibilities: that of returning to the blog and continuing to learn, or that of receiving a free evaluation from a consultant for the website.

Thus, regardless of what the offer is, you will get a standard Thank You Page that will take the visitor to a new interaction, regardless of being at the top or bottom of the funnel.

A “Raised Hand”

Speaking of Raised Hand – common name for the last stage of the  lead  before it clearly became a sales opportunity, which you asked to speak to one of their consultants – they are also a good opportunity for  Thank You Pages.

In our content, generally, in our version of the  blog in Portuguese , we allow the visitor who downloads  the material on the previous page to ask to speak to one of our consultants.

After all, the contents, in addition to informing, say a lot about the  need of our  person , which can be solved through our services. Therefore, many people, when they finish downloading one of our content, want to know more about how we can help them.

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However, those are just a few possibilities. Ideally, you evaluate everything you have to offer your  leads  and do tests to understand which offer generates greater commitment and, with that, greater return for your team.

But with these tips you can already have a good idea of ​​where to start!

Some good practices for  Thank You Pages .

Before finishing, it is important that you know some good practices that, although they seem simple, can make a lot of difference when it comes to doing your tests and improving the performance of your offers.

That is why we separate the most essential so that you do not make simple mistakes and achieve good results from the Thank You Pages.

Create crawlable URLs

The first step is: regardless of what your offer is on a  Thank You Page , put   trackable links . That is,  links  with a URL that have  tags  that allow you and your team to accompany the results of the generated clicks.

Only then will you be able to evaluate which offer has given more results and what the impact of the Thank You Pages has been on your strategy.

Have a clear CTA, as well as the  Landing Page.

Another point that makes all the difference is to have clear CTAs, regardless of what the offer is.

In the same way that in a  Landing Page , you have a clear objective: to  make the user perform a new action or a reconversion. Therefore, if it is not clearly explained what he has to do, he can lose clicks and thereby damage the overall result.

Think of everything: in the text, in the location of the button, in the color, in the image and in what is most relevant so that your CTA is evident and striking,  so that the visitor knows exactly what to do .

Do not exaggerate

Finally, remember not to overdo it!

The idea here is not to make your Thank You Page a center where you place 200 CTAs, distracting and confusing the visitor, and making them not take any action in the end.

This page, in addition to being consistent with the previous content and with your strategy, must follow a clear logic and facilitate the interaction of your  lead. So you must be cautious and always ask for other people’s opinions.

With this we hope that you discover new incredible opportunities in your  Thank You Page  and that you have results as good as those of your  Landing Pages .


About techadmin

Tech Websites Design is a team with a lot of experience and research on the digital world, how a website can be useful to the internet users, we studied, analyzed and presented here. We are entirely fascinated with the technology, and we are living our life's with the newly updated technology for 10 years. With all our knowledge, we established a platform to build a proper and trustful rapport with the internet world.

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